
Join Us for a Briefing on Religious Freedom in the Former Soviet Union/Eurasia

In 2013, evangelical believers faced an alarming increase in religious freedom restrictions and violations in the countries of the former Soviet Union/Eurasia, particularly Russia, Belarus and Central Asia. Pastors, families, and churches were disrupted, threatened, restricted and thrown into crisis merely for their faith in Christ. Recently, as a reaction to violent protests, the Ukrainian government adopted disturbing new sweeping laws aimed at restricting freedom and religious expression in that country. Acting on these laws, they have already threatened to remove the registration of the Ukrainian Uniate Church for holding prayer services for government protesters. By most estimates, this was the worst year for religious repression in this embattled region since the fall of the Iron Curtain.


In response to this alarming trend, Russian Ministries, in cooperation with Congressman Joe Pitts and our global partners, is sponsoring a second annual briefing on religious freedom issues on Capitol Hill. The briefing will occur one day before the Presidential Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, February 5 from 3 to 5 p.m. at 2123 Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C.

Our primary goals for the briefing are to:

  • build global awareness about the state of religious freedom in the former Soviet Union/Eurasia;
  •  examine causes for escalating religious restrictions in the former Soviet Union/Eurasia;
  • cultivate productive dialogue between post-Soviet/Eurasian civil, religious and governmental leaders in order to engage the global community;
  • find solutions to this serious challenge


Your support is essential to help expand religious freedom in the former Soviet Union/Eurasia. Please consider impacting the lives of fellow believers suffering for their faith by:

  • Attending the February 5 briefing. Please RSVP to Wade Kusack, Director of Religious Freedom Issues with Russian Ministries, by emailing or calling 630-462-1739. You will receive more information and a complete agenda.
  • Continuing to pray fervently for persecuted Christians in the former Soviet Union/Eurasia. Pray for international pressure to bear on the governments and authorities in this region. Ask God for His protection and provision over His people and their heroic work of evangelism and discipleship in their local communities. National Next Generation Christian leaders desperately need your intercession on their behalf. As James 5:16 says, "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working".
  • Giving to Russian Ministries’ Religious Freedom Fund. Your donation will provide a lifeline of support and emergency aid to families, pastors and churches in crisis.

Thank you for joining with Russian Ministries to support the cause of religious freedom in 

the former Soviet Union/Eurasia.

Sergey Rakhuba

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